What We Offer
We provide a broad range of services and housing assistance for eligible families, veterans and individuals experiencing homelessness or who present at-risk of homelessness. Our Housing First approach is based on the firm belief that everyone has the right to safe, decent affordable housing. We operate from the evidenced-based premise that safe, decent affordable housing that includes person-centered supportive services that include an evaluation of the social determinants of health enable individuals and families to identify, address and overcome the challenges that lead to housing insecurity.
Housing Resource Center (HRC)
The HRC, 1600 Porter, is conveniently located in the heart of Corktown. The HRC is the hub of MiSide's homeless and homeless prevention initiatives and is generously supported by the Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network (DWIHN).
Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH)
PSH programs for homeless individuals and families referred through coordinated entry provide long-term rental assistance and a supportive service team that includes clinical behavioral and substance use recovery support and a housing stability specialist whose focus is housing-related issues (e.g., landlord/tenant relationships) that often, when not addressed, jeopardize long-term housing stability.
Rapid Rehousing
Rapid Rehousing provides rental assistance and person-centered case management for eligible homeless individuals and families referred through coordinated entry.
- Homeless Diversion Interventions designed to divert individuals and families referred through coordinated entry from entering the homeless services delivery system.
Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) The Supportive Services for Veteran Families VA-funded SSVF program’s goal is to address and meet the needs of homeless veterans and veteran families and those at-risk of homelessness aims to improve very low income veteran families’ housing stability. SSVF provides benefits and other public benefits. Eligible veterans may qualify for assistance that includes but is not limited to: rental, utility and security deposit assistance. The SSVF program is implemented through our Housing Resource Center.
We have housed more than 1300 homeless persons since 2005.
94% of those helped into housing have remained in permanent housing for more than six months.
Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) assisted 505 veterans in 2014. Since the program began in late 2012, it has helped more 1,500 low-income veterans and their families find or retain housing and obtain support services to better their lives.
92% of the Piquette veterans report they are “significantly better off” since they moved in; Half have participated in a job readiness program.
HVRP has served 464 veterans in years 2010 to 2014 and has placed 167 in jobs.
homeless persons housed since 2005.
percent of those helped into housing have remained in permanent housing for more than six months.
percent of the Piquette veterans report they are “significantly better off” since they moved in; Half have participated in a job readiness program.
veterans helped by HVRP from 2010 to 2014 with 167 placed in jobs.
Coordinated Assessment Model
The Coordinated Assessment Model (CAM) is a systemic approach to homeless programming that focuses on aligning the needs of households that are experiencing homelessness or a housing crisis with the best program to address their needs. Our supportive housing programs to address homelessness are located at our Housing Resource Center (HRC).
Piquette Square for Veterans
Piquette Square is a 150-unit independent living affordable apartment project in Detroit for eligible homeless veterans. Piquette Square is oned and managed by Southwest Housing Solutions. In partnership with Southwest Housing Solutions, Southwest Counseling Solutions offers and contributes to the supportive services available to Piquette Square residents.
Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF)
The Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) program aims to improve very low income veteran families’ housing stability. SSVF provides outreach and case management services and assists participants in obtaining VA benefits and other public benefits. Veterans may qualify for short term rental assistance or assistance with first month’s rent, security deposit and /or utility assistance. The SSVF program is implemented through our Housing Resource Center.