Helping Vets and their Families
The Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) program aims to improve very low income veteran families’ housing stability. SSVF provides outreach and case management services and assists participants in obtaining VA benefits and other public benefits. Veterans may qualify for short term rental assistance or assistance with first month’s rent, security deposit and /or utility assistance. The SSVF program is implemented through our Housing Resource Center.
Services and Eligibility
SSVF provides rental assistance to eligible veterans. The assistance includes:
- Security deposit
- Other rental assistance
- Application fee
- Rental arrearage and late fees
- Utility assistance
- Moving costs
In addition to rental assistance, SSVF case managers will assist veterans and their families to obtain VA and other public benefits, childcare, mental health and substance abuse treatment, and opportunities for skill building, job training and education. Case managers will work closely with veteran-serving agencies and community partners to facilitate veterans accessing these services.
Because the SSVF program is a short-term intervention, it is intended for veterans who have good familial or personal support that would enable them to take advantage of the program and move toward self-sufficiency.
Eligibility Requirements
- Veteran must have discharge status of conditions other than dishonorable.
- Currently experiencing literal homelessness or are at imminent risk of literal homelessness.
- Resides in Wayne County.
- Household income is below 80% of area median income.
- Additional eligibility criteria are assessed at intake. Meeting the criteria above does not guarantee program eligibility.
Documentation Required
- Proof of Service/DD214
- State issued identification for household members 18 years and older
- Social Security card for all household members (adults and children)
- Proof of household income (employment, SSI, SSDI, pension, etc.)
- Verification of homelessness or Judgment of Eviction/Demand for possession
Since the program began in 2012, SSVF has assisted more than 2500 low-income veterans and their families
Find or retain housing and obtain support services to better their lives.
In 2019, 500 veterans received our help paying their rent, rental deposit, and utilities. We helped the veterans find affordable housing, assisted them with moving expenses and child care support. We also helped many access their VA benefits as well.
Because of the success of MiSIde’s SSVF, the VA has selected it to serve as a mentor grantee to help other SSVF programs serve veterans more effectively
Through a partnership with Community Housing Network of Oakland County, MiSide’s program has expanded its services into Oakland and Macomb counties
One-third of the veterans helped by SSVF are veterans who have returned from the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts; 94% of those served have a household income below 30% of Area Median Income (AMI)