Health Services
Mental illness can affect anyone, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, age or income level. Our quality health services for adults with mental illness make it possible for those we serve to recover and become productive members of the community.
No one will be denied access to services due to inability to pay. (A nadie se le negara el acceso a los servicios debido a la inhabilidad de pagar.)
There is a discounted/ sliding fee schedule available based on family size and income. (Hay un programa de escala móvil con descuento disponible según el tamaño y los ingresos de la familia.)

Children, Youth, and Families
Our family-centered programs serve children and youth who have a severe emotional disturbance, have been adjudicated by the juvenile court, or are at risk of being placed out of the community due to behavioral problems. Our mission is to help children and youth change their lives so that they will make decisions in the best interests of their future and wellbeing.

Homeless Services
Our family-centered programs serve children and youth who have a severe emotional disturbance, have been adjudicated by the juvenile court, or are at risk of being placed out of the community due to behavioral problems. Our mission is to help children and youth change their lives so that they will make decisions in the best interests of their future and wellbeing.

Veteran's Services
The Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) program aims to improve very low income veteran families’ housing stability. SSVF provides outreach and case management services and assists participants in obtaining VA benefits and other public benefits. Veterans may qualify for short term rental assistance or assistance with first month’s rent, security deposit and /or utility assistance. The SSVF program is implemented through our Housing Resource Center.