A Home For a Hero
Marcus has been a fixture at Piquette Square for the past 12 years. But before he found a home there, Marcus lived on the streets.
When Marcus returned home from serving his country in Vietnam, he struggled to hold a job and make ends meet because of his alcoholism. Marcus had no family he could lean on for support in this difficult time, which led him to lose everything he had.
“After serving in the Army, I started drinking.”
He spent six years living in refrigerator boxes, relying on alcohol, the one constant in his life.
“I found a couple refrigerator boxes… I took the refrigerator boxes and flipped one down and that became the floor area and I lived in the box.”
Finally, after meeting with the VA, Marcus was given a home at Piquette Square. Finding shelter was just the beginning of the battle for Marcus. One question during his intake interview changed his life forever. “Are you willing to quit? We can give you the help you need.”
Since then, Marcus has worked at his sobriety, attending meetings and finding support among neighbors. He is proud to say that this year marks 14 years living at Piquette and being sober.
It is because of your support that Marcus was able to turn his life around. “MiSide helped me get my life together. I actually stopped drinking because of them.”
Marcus had lived for many years, hopeless about what the future would bring. You changed that. You made a difference for Marcus and so many like him.
“I’ve turned my life around 100%...Every day I wake up, I look at the future.”
Without your support, Marcus would not be where he is today. He would not be able to spread his message of hope with the next generation of tenants. Just like you, Marcus feels the spirit of service. “I keep my door open 24/7 to assist the next individual.”
It is because of you that we have Marcus and that Marcus has his life back.