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Neighborhood Beautification Day 2022

Neighborhood Beautification Day 2022 

For our 14th annual Neighborhood Beautification Day, volunteers worked in the Chadsey Condon neighborhood in southwest Detroit. Over 100 volunteers of all ages, including many local residents, worked in teams to clean up vacant lots, clear overgrown brush, paint porches of new homeowners, and do minor landscaping. The event took place on Saturday, June 11, 2022. Neighborhood Beautification Day is truly a collaborative effort of organizations, businesses, community groups and individuals committed to community service and the continuing revitalization of southwest Detroit. We thank all our volunteers for an incredibly productive day that made a real difference in the community of southwest Detroit. A total of five sites were given a glow up, including local New Paradigm School. 

We are so thankful for our one-of-a-kind volunteers and to our sponsors and supporters who made it possible: NeighborWorks America, Flagstar Bank, Home Depot, Jasman Construction, and Molina Healthcare. Special thanks to Leon Gray, Senior Relationship Manager at NeighborWorks America, and to Ninfa Cancel, District 6 Manager for the City of Detroit. You can read more about the event and connect with us on Facebook. Neighborhood Beautification Day is part of a national and week-long effort sponsored by NeighborWorks America. 



 More than 3,000 volunteers have participated in Neighborhood Beautification Day over the years, beautifying numerous sites in southwest Detroit. They have created pocket parks; installed and refreshed flower beds and community gardens; cleared vacant lots of overgrown brush and debris; weeded and mulched; painted porches, curbs and murals; and more. The annual Neighborhood Beautification Day has turned vacant lots into community assets, including pocket parks and gardens. Neighborhood Beautification Day has become the premier cleanup event in southwest Detroit.